To Trace Shoes from the Manufacturer to the End User

To Trace Shoes from the Manufacturer to the End User

The Russian Government offered an experiment in adding identification marks to the shoe articles in the territory of Russia. According to the resolution draft, the experiment in marking the footwear in the territory of Russia should be effected within the period from the 1st of June to the 31st of December, 2018.

The participants of the experiment are the federal executive power bodies authorized by the Russian government to provide the experiment, manufacturers, importers of footwear, wholesale and retail companies (subjects of footwear sales turnover), and the operator of the information system used for the experiment.

The system implies labeling the goods with control identification marks and transferring the information about the goods movement to the data system at all stages of sales down to the end user.

The companies will participate in the experiment on a voluntary basis. It is yet unknown what marking type will be used, and who will be the producer of the marks for the goods.

The experiment preceding this project was the one of marking fur coats and other fur items with RFID was very effective. As a result of marking, a lot of companies selling fur goods legalized their business, and the state obtained a more exact statistic data on fur goods turnover in Russia.

“At the start of the project, the number of the system participants was estimated at 2,5 thousand according to the data from the declarations of the industry associations; and in the end, the number of the fur coats sellers turned out to be more than 8 thousand”, according to RBC. Besides, it was discovered that more than 50% of the fur coats sold in the country were made in Russia, and not 20%, as it had been considered before.

It was decided to extend the experiment with other goods including medicine, clothes, footwear, children toys, etc. By 2024 a full control system over the goods turnover can be established in Russia. This conclusion can be made from the instructions of Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian Prime Minister.