Mistakes and successes of children's shops
Today CJF – Child and Junior Fashion 2022. Spring held the Workshop on Children's Shops – Experiences in Opening and Management. Speaking Honestly About Mistakes and Success. It was led by Ekaterina Eliseeva, an expert, the founder of the consultancy company Practical Fashion Solution.
The speaker talked about the experience of a children's goods shop, elaborated on how to build retail sales and what a shop owner needs to pay attention to today. “Practical Fashion Solution has two lines of training: for shop owners these are strategic courses, and for salespeople - sales training”, - said Ekaterina Eliseeva.
The expert listed the problems faced by consultants and shop owners. These include the lack of a brand book, mistakes in shop design, overcrowding, logistics issues, etc. Owners and retailers need to take these factors into account in order for sales to be successful.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO