How to create a brand
The Masterclass by Sergey Lelikov on How to Create a Brand that Opens up New Opportunities for Business Growth, organised by EXPOCENTRE AO and the BRANDEFFECT International School of Practical Branding, took place within the conference programme of Mir Detstva 2022 and CJF – Child and Junior Fashion 2022. Autumn.
Sergey Lelikov is an expert in branding and strategic business development, founder of BRANDEFFECT International School of Practical Branding. He has 30 years of experience in design, marketing, management, psychology and practical branding.
When starting a business, few people think about the future. There is a business idea and an inner certainty that someone needs this product and the business will go ahead. Everyone has his or her own reasons for confidence: some people just start a business at random, others see that other people are buying from them, aren't they? Why can't I do the same?
A common mistake an entrepreneur makes is not initially separating the product itself and the company that creates it. Sergey Lelikov believes that in the initial stage of business, an entrepreneur's mindset is exclusively product-based, because the business idea itself is built around the product. At this stage, for the entrepreneur, "product" = "company". This is where the trap lies.
Attendees learned in an interactive way how to build a brand and save time and budgets at the same time. They gained an insight into why brand influences business growth. They received advice on how to understand who their customer is and how to speak the same language as them.
Today's conference programme also included the Choice of Young Champions fashion show. The Pelageya Gymnastics Centre, together with EXPOCENTRE AO, organised a show of sportswear for children and teenagers.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO